Thursday, September 15, 2016

FAQs for Educamp & Life in UTP

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) - Educamp UTP

1) What tests should you do?

There are three tests that you should do:

a) CSPQ ( Cambridge Personal Styles Questionnaire ) - measure non-cognitive skills ( cooperation, collaboration & willingness to remain committed ).

b) TSA ( Thinking Skills Assessment ) - critical thinking and problem solving questions. Please bring your own calculator.

c) VCA / Interview session - could be in individual or group.

If it is an individual interview, like me, the interviewer asked more about ourselves. For example; Introduce yourself, why you choose this course, what you know about this course and so on.
But now, tak boleh expect sangat, kadang2 dia ada bagi case study and suruh kita ellaborate about that case study tu. 

If it is a group interview, the interviewer will give a case study, and kena ellaborate case study in group. Time ni, you guys kena tunjuk your communication skill, what you know about that case and please don't be quiet. 

Actually for VCA test ni, interviewer nak tengok our communication skills je, the way we talk and so on. Kalau boleh, time interview tu, don't be rude, cakap biar sopan, behave dan jangan senyap je tau.
And interview in English.

Korang boleh refer documents yang korang kena download, dalam tu ada semua berkaitan dengan Educamp tests, apa yang korang kena bawa and so on. 

2) How long the result for Educamp?

More or less than a month. Always check UTP website,

3) Flow educamp

First, ada briefing session with the candidates and their parents also. 

Then candidates akan pergi ke lab yang disediakan untuk jawab 2 tests (CSPQ & TSA) dan sesi interview (VCA).

If you guys are in morning session, it will end around 12 am. And if you guys are in afternoon session, it will end at 6 pm.

4) Semester in UTP

If you guys applied for Mac intake, your Educamp will be around January or February. And if you guys are successful, you will enroll UTP in Mac. This intake is for foundation.

If you guys applied for May intake, your Educamp will be around April. And if you guys are successful, you will enroll UTP in May. This intake is for undergraduate.

If you guys applied for July intake, your Educamp will be around June. And if you guys are successful, you will enroll UTP in July. This intake is for foundation.

If you guys applied for September intake, your Educamp will be around July/August. And if you guys are successful, you will enroll UTP in September. This intake is for undergraduate.

It might be changed due to time being. For any additional information, you can check UTP official websites

5) Fees

For fees, you have to apply by yourself. Whether it be in full, half or self sponsored.

For sponsorship, you guys can check at this websites,

Here is the fees for foundation studies in UTP,

And for the undergraduate, you can check it here,

6) Attire

Formal, but no need with blazer actually. Appropriate clothing, do not overdress.

Alright, I think that's enough. Last tips for me, you guys can do it. Believe in yourself. Bring calculator. During interview, please be nice and stay humble. Mind your manner and be polite. Clear your mind by saying only great people can enter, yang pandai2 boleh masuk UTP and so on. You are wrong actually. I am not a straight A's person, I am just and ordinary student with big ambitious in myself.

For any enquiries, you can reach me at my email, . Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Assalammualaikum dan hi semua :)

Maaf la bagi blog ni berhabuk lama tak post hehehe, busy deh. Harap korang paham eh.

By the way, harini Fatin nak share pengalaman tahun lepas, heee dah tahun lepas dah, memori lepas masa foundation dulu. Masa tu utk satu course ( English II ) kitaorang ada assignment utk teknologi yang dulunya dalam filem lama-lama tapi sekarang dah wujud kat dunia. Yang dulunya orang angan-angan sampai buat dalam filem tapi sekarang dah muncul di dunia sebenar. So, kitaorang pilih drone technology which was before in the Back To The Future Part II ( 1989 ).

Apa itu drone? Dalam bahasa Melayu...Fatin tak sure sebenarnya drone ni apa, tapi apa yang Fatin tahu, drone ni satu teknologi dimana ia menggunakan kamera untuk menangkap gambar dalam satu keadaan yang lebih canggih. Yes, it was something that can fly + using camera aid.

Kegunaannya, kalau dalam movie Back To The Future Part II tu, ada tunjuk sebagai CCTV untuk ikut anjing tu kat luar dan satu lagi fungsinya dijadikan sebagai pengganti wartawan untuk interview banduan yang baru keluar dari penjara ( if im not mistaken ).

Kenapa Fatin nk share pengalaman ni kat korang?
Sebab Fatin rasa ni antara salah satu pengalaman yang paling berharga yang tak semua orang boleh dapat. From UTP, we went to the first place, jumpa abang2 yang reka sendiri drone and fly drone diorang which I was really amazed of that. Tak semua orang boleh create their own drone and fly that by themselves. It's like wow!!!!

So creative and innovative right? Basically abang2 tu semua jadikan drone ni as their hobbies when they had their leisure time. Diorang nis semua expert user of drone okay. And mostly diorang semua dah berkerja, dah berkerjaya dan dah berkahwin! Bagus kan diorang?

Some other photos were below this. Enjoy it!

 Okay, first place dah selesai, so we move on to the next destination which was Average Drone.

Pagi kitaorang kat area Shah Alam ( kalau tak silap sebab serius dah lupa sikit2 ), and our next destination was at Setapak. Kitaorang ke kedai yang menjual drones. Kalini kitaorang lihat baaaanyaak drone yang cantik and also have high technology inside there.

So, if korang yang dah berminat untuk memiliki drone boleh la ke blog ini, . Korang boleh dapat drone yang korang inginkan kat situ. They also provide services if in case drone korang mengalami kerosakan ke or jadi something to yours drone. 

Okay, that's all from me. Yes, dah berlalu sangat lama pengalaman ni tapi Fatin nak jugak post sebab this is one of my favourite experiences that ive never had before. From UTP to KL for just completing our survey and gained more knowledges of drones.

Before kata-kata pengutup, Fatin nak share our brochure for this assignments. If additional informations regarding drone korang boleh refer dalam brochure ni okay. 


Okay gais...thank you sebab sudi membaca entry post ni :)

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Assalammualaikum and hai everybody. Thanks coz sudi menyinggah n membaca post ni. Fatin minta maaf sangat sebab tak dapat update. Dah berhabuk dah blog ni agaknya.

First of all, syukur alhamdulillah sangat Fatin dh habis asasi di UTP. Baru sempat Fatin nk bukak blog ni and edit apa yang patut selepas dah hampir sebulan tamat asasi.

Btw, still sempat utk Fatin ucapkan tahniah pada adik2 yang dah ambil sijil SPM, yang takde rezeki jangan risau sebab peluang masih banyak kat luar sana. And welcome to UTP for Mac16 students :)

And before I end my post, I would like to share some photos when I get through my last sem for foundation in UTP.

This time masa habis exam awal and kitaorang ramai2 stay dalam library.

ICT and BIS bergabung lepas semua keluar dari CH.

Still teringat masa mula2 kitaorang dua masuk UTP masa educamp :)

Time ni 2 days before final exam start and I still remember the date 13.2.2016 :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Assalammualaikum and hi everyone...

Dah baca last post Fatin semalam, yg dekat Taman Botani Penang tu. Amacam, best kan Taman Botani? For nature lovers, they would like it so much. Travellers pun sama. But now, I nk post more challenging place.

Last 3 days ago. I follow my mother's school trip to Pantai Kerachut. Bagi yg tak tahu kat mana Pantai Kerachut tu, let me explain you guys more about that.

Pantai Kerachut is one of the best beach in Penang. It was an island actually. Very nice, calm and beautiful beach I've ever been before. I've already been there since I was 14 years old. Now, I'm back to the beach again and saw a lot of changes.

Gambar kt bawah ni, kat jeti, masa mula2 masuk Taman Negara Teluk Bahang tu. Kalau korang nak naik bot, blh naik dari sini. Sebelum masuk ke dalam utk ke Pantai Kerachut, Teluk Duyung and so on, kena daftar dulu ye. Then, baru blh hiking dalam :)

Gambar bawah ni salah satu pokok yang ada kat dalam Taman Negara. Your hiking journey not start yet okay.

Pantai kt bawah ni, kat tepi2 masa korang jalan ke atas lagi. Mostly, pantai ni, ada yang saja jalan2, ada yg picnic, and ada yang memancing.

Okay, your journey dah start. Dalam hutan tu, kalau korang perasan, ada satu jambatan or titi gantung. Tapi tak boleh guna tau. Ikut je jalan yang diberi okay. Be careful when you guys in there.

Alhamdulillah, after about 2 hours in the jungle, finally we arrived there. Korang kena lalu atas jambatan dulu ye utk ke seberang sana. 

Okey, gambar bawah ni pula kalau dari atas jambatan tu, sebelah kiri. Dulu ada ja air kt situ, tapi sekarang dah kering. 

Okey, this one dari right view. Cantik kan pemandangan kt pantai ni? I'm really amazed with the scenery.

Okey, this one was really awesome. You guys mesti pelik kan why ada gambar penyu kat bawah ni. FYI, Pantai Kerachut ni salah satu tempat penyu bertelur. And this is why, pantai kt Pantai Kerachut ni tak boleh mandi and korang tak boleh jalan dekat tepi pantai. Actually, untuk tarikan pelancong, ada tempat untuk korang tengok penyu2 yang sempat diorang simpan untuk jaga dan sebagai tarikan pelancong. Ramai orang luar datang ke pantai ni, termasuk orang dari luar negara. 

This picture below was the boat jetty.

Masa balik tu, kitaorang balik naik bot, tak mampu dah nak hiking bagai. Tambah 2 jam la dduk dalam hutan tu. Naik bot dalam 20 minit++ ja. Dalam perjalanan balik tu kalau korang perasan, korang akan jumpa 3 jenis batu yang unik. First, rabbit stone, turtle stone and the last one, crocodile stone. Then korang akan jumpa Pulau Pandan and so on.

Kalau bagi pendapat Fatin, better korang pergi ke Pantai Kerachut with hiking in there then masa nak balik tu naik bot. Boleh g Teluk Duyung / Monkeybeach sekali. It's like you have travelled the whole Taman Negara tu. Heee. Perbezaan Pantai Kerachut dengan monkeybeach ni banyak. Kerachut tempatnya sunyi sikit, tapi kemudahan semua dh ada like toilet, surau dewan and so on + boleh tengok penyu lagi. But with monkeybeach, korang boleh naik jetski. korang boleh mandi pantainya, and tempat lebih ramai pelancong. 

So, that's all from today. In sha Allah kalau Fatin ada travel mana2 Fatin akan share kt sini lagi. Tq for reading my post. Till we meet again. Assalammualaikum :)

Monday, November 2, 2015


Assalammualaikum and hi :)

Hi guys. How are you feeling today? Maaf la blog ni dh macam chipsmore. Sekejap ada sekejap takde. Life as an student was too much busy. Btw, now I dh habis sem 2. But this time, I cuma cuti 2 minggu je. Takpe tak lama sangat. I want to finish my 3rd sem / foundation year ASAP! 

This time, I want to share with my followers also the visitor more about one of  the interesting place in Penang. Negeri kelahiran saya :)

Actually, masa study week haritu, I ada appoinment with my doctor. So, dah alang2 study week, why not balik je terus and brought my neigbours / coursemates / best friends to my place. 

Masa hari Sabtu, I bawa je kawan2 I g Amanjaya Mall, one of the famous mall in Sg Petani. And the best thing there, at that time, finalis2 AF2015 pun ada kat sana. Tapi kitaorang tak g la kt diorang sbb terlalu ramai sangat and sesak. So, we just watching Malay movie up there. And that's why kitaorang hanya mampu bergambar with the AF2015 poster. Masa tu jugak Dekna, bekas pelajar AF dulu pun ada utk tayangan filem dia.

On the next day, my parents bawa la kawan2 saya ke Penang. Kitaorang naik feri because my friends never been in ferry before. Tapi masa tu musim jerebu, KOMTAR pun tak nampak. Memang wrong time sungguh.

Okay dah sampai. Actually kan, I baru tahu ada tempat secantik ni kt Penang. I really know nothing about this place. And this place was really really awesome !!!! It was Botanical Garden Penang. So, if korang singgah ke Penang nanti, instead of Bukit Bendera, you guys should come and take a look at Botanical Garden Penang. No charge occur, free only :) Untuk nature traveller, you guys sure will be fascinate with the view. Memang sangat cantik tempatnya. Kat sini, ada yang berjoging, main badminton, jalan2 semua ada.

Let's take a look for some photos below...

Masa tu, I ride a bugi golf, alaa yang orang ride masa kat padang golf tu kan. Haa, yang tu la. Kitaorang tak larat nak jalan sebab terlalu besar Taman Botani ni. Plus ada banyak kera kt situ. Kalau korang g sana, please please please jangan ada apa2 kat tangan korang, Kalau blh, pergi dengan tangan kosong or ride this bugi golf. Jangan risau, certain tempat driver ni akan stop and bagi masa utk korang utk masuk certain place like Taman Orkid. 

Okay, last place. Tak sah la kalau mai Penang tak singgah pantai dulu kan. So, our selected beach was, Miami beach at Batu Feringgi tu. Masa tu hujan2 sikit but still kitaorang redah jugak and find suitable rock utk kitaorang dduk and view the scenery. Masya Allah, ciptaan Dia sangat indah.

Done! Smpai situ ja post saya utk kali ni. Stay tuned with my next post with my hiking holiday at Penang too. In sha Allah, kalau ada kelapangan waktu, I will share with you guys my experienced visiting some beautiful places. Thank you for visit and read. Bye. Assalammualaikum :)


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