Wednesday, December 21, 2011
♥Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief♥Albanian - Te dua♥Arabic - Ana behibak (to male) , Ana behibek (to female)♥Armenian - Yes kez sirumen♥Bambara - M'bi fe♥Bangla - Aamee tuma ke bhalo baashi♥Belarusian - Ya tabe kahayu♥Bisaya - Nahigugma ako kanimo♥Bosnian - Volim te♥Bulgarian - Obicham te♥Cambodian - Bung Srorlagn Oun (to female)♥Oun Srorlagn Bung (to male)♥Cantonese/Chinese - Ngo oiy ney a♥Catalan - T'estimo♥Cheyenne - Ne mohotatse♥Chichewa - Ndimakukonda♥Corsican - Ti tengu caru (to male)♥Creol - Mi aime jou♥Croatian - Volim te♥Czech - Miluji te♥Danish - Jeg Elsker Dig♥Dutch - Ik hou van jou♥Elmer Fudd - I wove you♥English - I love you♥Esperanto - Mi amas vin♥Estonian - Ma armastan sind♥Ethiopian - Ewedishalehu : male/female to female♥Ewedihalehu: male/female to male.♥Faroese - Eg elski teg♥Farsi - Doset daram♥Filipino - Mahal kita♥Finnish - Mina rakastan sinua♥French - Je t'aime, Je t'adore♥Gaelic - Ta gra agam ort♥Georgian - Mikvarhar♥German - Ich liebe dich♥Greek - S'agapo♥Gujarati - Hu tumney prem karu chu♥Hiligaynon - Palangga ko ikaw♥Hawaiian - Aloha wau ia oi♥Hebrew - Ani ohev otah (to female)♥Hebrew - Ani ohev et otha (to male)♥Hiligaynon - Guina higugma ko ikaw♥Hindi - Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hai♥Hmong - Kuv hlub koj♥Hopi - Nu' umi unangwa'ta♥Hungarian - Szeretlek♥Icelandic - Ég elska þig♥Ilonggo - Palangga ko ikaw♥Indonesian - Saya cinta padamu♥Inuit - Negligevapse♥Irish - Taim i' ngra leat♥Italian - Ti amo♥Japanese - Aishiteru♥Kannada - Naa ninna preetisuve♥Kapampangan - Kaluguran daka♥Kikongo - Muke zolaka nge♥Kiswahili - Nakupenda♥Konkani - Tu magel moga cho♥Korean - Sarang Heyo♥Latin - Te amo♥Latvian - Es tevi miilu♥Lebanese - Bahibak♥Lingala - Nalingi yo♥Lithuanian - Tave myliu♥Macedonian Te Sakam♥Malay - Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu♥Malayalam - Njan Ninne Premikunnu♥Maltese - Inhobbok♥Mandarin Chinese - Wo ai ni♥Marathi - Me tula prem karto♥Mohawk - Kanbhik♥Moroccan - Ana moajaba bik♥Nahuatl - Ni mits neki♥Navaho - Ayor anosh'ni♥Nepali - Ma Timilai Maya Garchhu♥Norwegian - Jeg Elsker Deg♥Pandacan - Syota na kita!!♥Pangasinan - Inaru Taka♥Papiamento - Mi ta stimabo♥Persian - Doo-set daaram♥Pig Latin - Iay ovlay ouyay♥Polish - Kocham Cie♥Portuguese - Amo-te♥Romanian - TE IUBESC♥Roman Numerals - 333♥Russian - Ya tebya liubliu♥Rwanda - Ndagukunda♥Scot Gaelic - Tha gra\dh agam ort♥Serbian - Volim te♥Setswana - Ke a go rata♥Sign Language - ,\,,/ (represents position of fingers when signing 'I Love You'♥Sindhi - Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan♥Sioux - Techihhila♥Slovak - Lu`bim ta♥Slovenian - Ljubim te♥Spanish - Te quiero / Te amo♥Surinam- Mi lobi joe♥Swahili - Ninapenda wewe♥Swedish - Jag alskar dig♥Swiss (German) - Ig liebe di♥Tajik Man turo Dust Doram♥Tagalog - Mahal kita♥Taiwanese - Wa ga ei li♥Tahitian - Ua Here Vau Ia Oe♥Tamil - Naan unnai kathalikiraen♥Telugu - Nenu ninnu premistunnanu♥Thai - Chan rak khun (to male)♥Thai - Phom rak khun (to female)♥Turkish - Seni Seviyorum♥Ukrainian - Ya tebe kahayu
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Assalammualaikum...Hai...Annyeong haseyo...
Today, fatin nk share something ttg tandas awam di Switzerland...
korg msti pelik knapa fatin nk buat post mlm nie, share about tandas ja...
mybe ada yg dh meluat...yg tu lantak kt korang la...
ini blog aq, ikut suka hati aq la nk buat apa2 pun,
lgpun xde bau tandas yg BUSUK keluar dari blog aq sudah...!!!
fatin bkn marah, juz bgi ADVICE jew...huhuhu...
ok, inilah tandas awam mereka...
Today, fatin nk share something ttg tandas awam di Switzerland...
korg msti pelik knapa fatin nk buat post mlm nie, share about tandas ja...
mybe ada yg dh meluat...yg tu lantak kt korang la...
ini blog aq, ikut suka hati aq la nk buat apa2 pun,
lgpun xde bau tandas yg BUSUK keluar dari blog aq sudah...!!!
fatin bkn marah, juz bgi ADVICE jew...huhuhu...
ok, inilah tandas awam mereka...
Apa - apapun, tandas awam negara Switzerland mmg bersih...
Saturday, November 26, 2011
8 Papan Tanda Tandas yg Kelakar
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Jangan minum air nie tau...
( Ada kew org yg nk minum air nie..??? )
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Ini tandas, jgn curi tisu tandas nie,,
Tisu tandas ini utk kgunaan smua, bkn prseorangan...
< Tisu tandas pun nk b'kira )
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Uji kaji apalah yg mereka nk buat kt dlm tandas nie..???
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Yg nie ok..
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Ada spa2 yg faham x apa yg dimksudkan papan tandas nie...???
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Ini tandas kedekut, cuma planggan restoran nie shja yg blh guna...
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Utk prempuan, angkat tmpt duduk tu slps guna,
Utk lelaki, angkat papan duduk tu sblm guna...
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Esk tandas nie akn ditutup, so, gunalah hri ini spuas - puasnya...
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Cuba lihat kalendar untuk tahun 2012... 1 Ramadhan pada tahun 2012 jatuh pada 20 Julai iaitu hari Jumaat, jadi 3 Ogos 2012 bersamaan 15 Ramadan juga pada hari Jumaat. Sama dengan satu hadis Nabi SAW tentang huru hara besar yang akan terjadi pada tengah malam pertengahan Ramadhan iaitu hari Jumaat 15 Ramadhan di bumi ini. Huru hara yang akan mengejutkan semua orang yang sedang tidur... Satu suara yang amat dahsyat akan kita dengar dari langit, bukan kiamat tetapi huru hara tersebut akan melenyapkan umat manusia di atas muka bumi ini sebanyak 2/3, yang tinggal hanya 1/3 shj. ( Menurut kajian NASA, pada 21-12-2012 satu planet yg dikenali planet X akan melintasi bumi ) Adakah kita semua ni tergolong dalam 1/3 itu? Adakah peristiwa itu akn berlaku pada 2012?? Hanya ALLAH yang Maha Mengetahui..
Yang penting kita perbanyakkan ibadat dan berdoa agar kita termasuk dlm golongan yg dilindungi Allah, jika mati biarlah kita mati dlm Islam dan beriman.. Apa pun, peristiwa itu pasti akan berlaku mengikut hadis Nabi SAW di bawah..
Dari Nu'aim bin Hammad meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
Bila telah muncul suara di bulan Ramadhan, maka akan terjadi huru-hara di bulan itul...". Kami bertanya: "Suara apakah, ya Rasulullah? " Beliau menjawab: "Suara keras di pertengahan bulan Ramadhan, pada malam Jumaat, akan muncul suara keras yang membangunkan orang tidur, menjadikan orang yang berdiri jatuh terduduk, para gadis keluar dari pingitannya, pada malam Jumaat di tahun terjadinya banyak gempa. Jika kalian telah melaksanakan solat Subuh pada hari Jumaat, masuklah kalian ke dalam rumah kalian, tutuplah pintu-pintunya, sumbatlah lubang-lubangnya, dan selimutilah diri kalian, sumbatlah telinga kalian. Jika kalian merasakan adanya suara menggelegar, maka bersujudlah kalian kepada Allah dan ucapkanlah: " Mahasuci Al-Quddus, Mahasuci Al-Quddus, Rabb kami Al-Quddus ", kerana barangsiapa melakukan hal itu akan selamat, tetapi barangsiapa yang tidak melakukan hal itu akan binasa". (Al Hadis)-copy by Kasman Azizul Othman..
Ya Allah,Engkau lindungilah hambamu ini yang sungguh kerdil,yang sungguh hina ini,Kau ampunilah segala dosa hambamu ini Ya Allah,sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pengampun dan Penyayang,sesungguhnya hambamu ini berasa sungguh kerdil,lindungila kami sekeluarga..aammmiinn ya Rabbal Alamiiiiiiiiinnnnn......
Yang penting kita perbanyakkan ibadat dan berdoa agar kita termasuk dlm golongan yg dilindungi Allah, jika mati biarlah kita mati dlm Islam dan beriman.. Apa pun, peristiwa itu pasti akan berlaku mengikut hadis Nabi SAW di bawah..
Dari Nu'aim bin Hammad meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
Bila telah muncul suara di bulan Ramadhan, maka akan terjadi huru-hara di bulan itul...". Kami bertanya: "Suara apakah, ya Rasulullah? " Beliau menjawab: "Suara keras di pertengahan bulan Ramadhan, pada malam Jumaat, akan muncul suara keras yang membangunkan orang tidur, menjadikan orang yang berdiri jatuh terduduk, para gadis keluar dari pingitannya, pada malam Jumaat di tahun terjadinya banyak gempa. Jika kalian telah melaksanakan solat Subuh pada hari Jumaat, masuklah kalian ke dalam rumah kalian, tutuplah pintu-pintunya, sumbatlah lubang-lubangnya, dan selimutilah diri kalian, sumbatlah telinga kalian. Jika kalian merasakan adanya suara menggelegar, maka bersujudlah kalian kepada Allah dan ucapkanlah: " Mahasuci Al-Quddus, Mahasuci Al-Quddus, Rabb kami Al-Quddus ", kerana barangsiapa melakukan hal itu akan selamat, tetapi barangsiapa yang tidak melakukan hal itu akan binasa". (Al Hadis)-copy by Kasman Azizul Othman..
Ya Allah,Engkau lindungilah hambamu ini yang sungguh kerdil,yang sungguh hina ini,Kau ampunilah segala dosa hambamu ini Ya Allah,sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pengampun dan Penyayang,sesungguhnya hambamu ini berasa sungguh kerdil,lindungila kami sekeluarga..aammmiinn ya Rabbal Alamiiiiiiiiinnnnn......
Friday, August 26, 2011
Annyeonghaseyo...hye guys...
thnxs coz sudi bace post nie..
1st of all,
MAAFKAN fatin yer klau ada tersilap kata, tersalah bahasa, tersilap langkah yg telah membuatkan korg marah kt fatin yer...smada fatin sengaja or x sengaja, hope korg maafkan fatin...
hrm, fatin bgun lewat sikit hri nie, bila fatin buka jew fb, adalh sorg bdx form 1 nie mberucap kt fatin..hehehe, bek sungguh dye nie...tpi xpe, fatin pun dh buat kad raya dlm fb n' tagged kt bbrapa org, yg len klau fatin x tagged soie k, xmuat la, sbb dye limit only 50 person jew...xpe2..
hrm, fatin balik kmpg hri Ahad nie coz tunggu my spect siap...
hhhhwwwaaaa....x sbrnya..raya thn nie msti bez kn, fain pkai spect bru, n' penglihatan fatin plk meningkat, I means my power la, mcmna nk buat nie, fatin kna kurgkan tgk komputer la lps nie k...
hrm, fatin dh beli bju raya, korg msti dh beli kn...???
thn nie ada 2 psang bju kurung 1 kurung besa, 1 lgi kurung moden...yg kurung moden tu nk pkai bila raya ke-2 sbb family fatin sblh ayah akn g teluk bahang stiap thn utk beraya..bez tau..g rmai2...
hhrrmm,, thn nie my house x leh buat open house g, so jdi close house la, sbb ada penambahbaik kan rumah jap, nk bgi rumah fatin lawa la kn...
hahhhhhahaha, hrm, smlm fatin bad mood sikit even last day kn, yer la, fatin x suka org dok buat kputusan sndri utk fatin, klau buat kputusan sndri kt diri sndri xpew gak, nie kt fatin, I hate that...!!! n' fatin x suka org arah2 fatin sesuka hati, that's my money, so, ikut suka fatinlah nk buat apa2 pun, korg juz blh bgi suggestion jew, decison are not allowed k..
tpi last2 tu fatin dh ok dh..fatin geram+marah jew..
hrm, fatin pun dh bermaaf-maafan ngn smua org, n' mereka pun dh bermaaf-maafan ngn fatin...
thnxs my dear...fatin rindu sgt ngn bez frenz fatin sorg nie...MIMI!!!
dye demam campak, smlm kn hujan so. dye x leh nk g skolh la...
fatin pun sedih gak sbb ckgu yg fatin kasihi dh habis praktikalnya..
hrmmm, I will miss you my teacher...hrm, hri rabu mlm tu kami sekelas perempuan jew g berbuka posa kt rumah ckgu tau, bezz...rugi tau spa yg x g..kmi mkn besa2 jew...but we had a great time there..4 my teacher, thnxs 4 everything, we're not 4get you, remember that..!!!
hrm, I think smpai sini jew kowt...
4 Muslim,
syg korg...
Annyeonghaseyo...hye guys...
thnxs coz sudi bace post nie..
1st of all,
MAAFKAN fatin yer klau ada tersilap kata, tersalah bahasa, tersilap langkah yg telah membuatkan korg marah kt fatin yer...smada fatin sengaja or x sengaja, hope korg maafkan fatin...
hrm, fatin bgun lewat sikit hri nie, bila fatin buka jew fb, adalh sorg bdx form 1 nie mberucap kt fatin..hehehe, bek sungguh dye nie...tpi xpe, fatin pun dh buat kad raya dlm fb n' tagged kt bbrapa org, yg len klau fatin x tagged soie k, xmuat la, sbb dye limit only 50 person jew...xpe2..
hrm, fatin balik kmpg hri Ahad nie coz tunggu my spect siap...
hhhhwwwaaaa....x sbrnya..raya thn nie msti bez kn, fain pkai spect bru, n' penglihatan fatin plk meningkat, I means my power la, mcmna nk buat nie, fatin kna kurgkan tgk komputer la lps nie k...
hrm, fatin dh beli bju raya, korg msti dh beli kn...???
thn nie ada 2 psang bju kurung 1 kurung besa, 1 lgi kurung moden...yg kurung moden tu nk pkai bila raya ke-2 sbb family fatin sblh ayah akn g teluk bahang stiap thn utk beraya..bez tau..g rmai2...
hhrrmm,, thn nie my house x leh buat open house g, so jdi close house la, sbb ada penambahbaik kan rumah jap, nk bgi rumah fatin lawa la kn...
hahhhhhahaha, hrm, smlm fatin bad mood sikit even last day kn, yer la, fatin x suka org dok buat kputusan sndri utk fatin, klau buat kputusan sndri kt diri sndri xpew gak, nie kt fatin, I hate that...!!! n' fatin x suka org arah2 fatin sesuka hati, that's my money, so, ikut suka fatinlah nk buat apa2 pun, korg juz blh bgi suggestion jew, decison are not allowed k..
tpi last2 tu fatin dh ok dh..fatin geram+marah jew..
hrm, fatin pun dh bermaaf-maafan ngn smua org, n' mereka pun dh bermaaf-maafan ngn fatin...
thnxs my dear...fatin rindu sgt ngn bez frenz fatin sorg nie...MIMI!!!
dye demam campak, smlm kn hujan so. dye x leh nk g skolh la...
fatin pun sedih gak sbb ckgu yg fatin kasihi dh habis praktikalnya..
hrmmm, I will miss you my teacher...hrm, hri rabu mlm tu kami sekelas perempuan jew g berbuka posa kt rumah ckgu tau, bezz...rugi tau spa yg x g..kmi mkn besa2 jew...but we had a great time there..4 my teacher, thnxs 4 everything, we're not 4get you, remember that..!!!
hrm, I think smpai sini jew kowt...
4 Muslim,
syg korg...
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
10 akhir Ramadhan adalah merupakan di antara malam-malam yang penuh dengan keberkatan dan kelebihan yang tertentu. Malam-malam ini adalah merupakan malam yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh seluruh orang mukmin. Bulan Ramadhan, Al Quran dan malam Lailatulqadar mempunyai hubungan yang rapat antara satu sama lain sebagaimana yang diterangkan di dalam kitab Allah dan hadis Rasulullah s.a.w. di antaranya firman Allah s.w.t.
Sebab turun surah al-Qadr
Lailatulqadar mempunyai kelebihan yang begitu besar. Ianya lebih baik dari 1000 bulan yang lain. Sebab diturunkan ayat tersebut diriwayatkan daripada Mujahid dikatakan sebab turun ayat tersebut ialah Nabi s.a.w. telah menyebut tentang seorang lelaki daripada Bani Israel yang telah menggunakan alat senjatanya untuk berperang pada jalan Allah maka orang Islam pun kagum di atas perbuatan itu lalu Allah menurunkan ayat di atas.
Riwayat yang lain pula dari Ali bin Aurah pada satu hari Rasulullah telah menyebut 4 orang Bani Israel yang telah beribadah kepada Allah selama 80 tahun. Mereka sedikitpun tidak derhaka kepada Allah lalu para sahabat kagum dengan perbuatan mereka itu. Jibril datang memberitahu kepada Rasulullah bahawa Allah w.s.t. menurunkan yang lebih baik dari amalan mereka. Jibril pun membaca surah Al Qadar dan Jibril berkata kepada Rasulullah ayat ini lebih baik daripada apa yang engkau kagumkan ini menjadikan Rasulullah s.a.w. dan para sahabat amat gembira.
Daripada ayat di atas dapatlah kita ketahui bagaimana besar kelebihan orang yang beribadah pada malam lailatulqadar. Ianya satu malam menyamai beramal 1000 bulan.
Dalam hadis Rasulullah s.a.w. menyebut
Maksudnya: "Rasulullah bersungguh-sungguh beribadah pada 10 akhir bulan Ramadhan lebih daripada yang lainnya"
Rasulullah s.a.w. melakukan ibadah pada malam itu bukan hanya setakat baginda sahaja tetapi baginda menyuruh ahli keluarga bangun bersama beribadah. Kata Aisyah r.a.
Kelebihan Menghayati Malam Lailatulqadar
Kerana mulianya Lailatulqadar, Rasulullah s.a.w. menganjurkan supaya umatnya bersedia menyambut dan menghayati malam yang berkat itu dengan pelbagai jenis amalan dan ibadah yang diterangkan di antaranya hadis yang diriwayatkan daripada Abu Hurairah r.a.
Maksudnya: "Barangsiapa menghayati malam Lailatulqadar dengan mengerjakan sembahyang dan berbagai jenis ibadat yang lain sedang ia beriman dan mengharapkan rahmat Allah taala nescaya ia diampunkan dosanya yang terdahulu.
Rasulullah s.a.w. sendiri menjadi contoh yang baik yang menghayati malam lailatulqadar terutama 10 malam yang akhir daripada bulan Ramadhan dengan beriktikaf di Masjid mengerjakan pelbagai amal ibadah untuk menyambut malam Lailatulqadar yang mulia.
Ini diterangkan di dalam satu hadis diriwayatkan daripada Aishah r.a. Katanya:
Maksudnya: "Biasanya Rasulullah s.a.w. berusaha dengan bersungguh-sungguh memperbanyakan amal ibadah pada 10 malam yang akhir daripada bulan Ramadhan berbanding dengan masa yang lain."
Dalam hadis yang lain Aishah juga meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda bersedialah dengan bersungguh-sungguh untuk menemui malam Lailatulqadar pada malam-malam yang ganjil dalam 10 malam yang akhir daripada bulan Ramadhan.
Malam-malam yang ganjil yang tersebut ialah malam 21, 23, 25, 27 & 29 dari bulan Ramadhan. Dalam pada itu terdapat juga beberapa hadis yang menyatakan bahawa malam Lailatulqadar itu pernah ditemui dalam zaman Rasulullah s.a.w. pada malam 21 Ramadhan. Pernah juga ditemui pada malam 23 Ramadhan. Terdapat juga hadis yang mengatakan bahawa baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. menjawab pertanyaan seorang sahabat yang bertanya mengenai masa Lailatulqadar supaya ianya bersedia dan menghayatinya. Baginda menjelaskan malam Lailatulqadar itu adalah malam 27 Ramadhan. Dari keterangan-keterangan di atas dapatlah kita membuat kesimpulan bahawa malam Lailatulqadar itu berpindah dari satu tahun ke satu tahun yang lain di dalam lingkungan 10 malam yang akhir dari bulan Ramadhan. Yang pastinya bahawa masa berlakunya malam Lailatulqadar itu tetap dirahsiakan oleh Allah s.w.t. supaya setiap umat Islam menghayati 10 malam yang akhir daripada Ramadhan dengan amal ibadat. Kerana dengan cara itulah sahaja mudah-mudahan akan dapat menemuinya dan dapat pula rahmat yang diharapkan yang akan menjadikan seseorang itu hidup bahagia di dunia mahupun di akhirat.
Doa khusus di Malam Lailatulqadar
Doa tersebut diterangkan di dalam hadis berikut
1. Hadis yang diriwayatkan daripada Aishah r.a.
Maksudnya: "Saya pernah bertanya kepada Rasulullah s.a.w. bagimana kiranya saya mengetahui malam Lailatulqadar dengan tepat. Apa yang saya akan doakan pada saat itu. Baginda menjawab berdoalah dengan doa yang berikut"
Maksudnya: "Ya Allah ya Tuhanku sesungguhnya engkau sentiasa memaafkan salah silaf hamba lagi suka memaafkan oleh itu maafkanlah salah silafku. Terdapat juga beberapa doa yang disar ankan oleh para alim ulamak kita melakukannya seperti membaca doa
Orang yang beribadah pada 10 malam yang tersebut akan mendapat rahmat yang dijanjikan dan telah sabit di dalam hadis-hadis yang sahih bahawa malam Lailatulqadar ujud pada salah satu malam yang 10 itu terutama pada malam 21, 23, 25, 27 dan 29. Orang-orang yang tekun beribadah di dalam masa tersebut untuk menemui malam Lailatulqadar akan mendapat rahmat yang dijanjikan itu samada ia dapat menemui atau tidak dan tidak melihat apa-apa kerana yang penting yang tersebut di dalam hadis sahih riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim ialah:
1. Menghayati malam tersebut dengan beribadah.
2. Beriman dengan yakin bahawa malam Lailatulqadar itu adalah benar dan dituntut menghayatinya dengan amal ibadah.
3. Amal ibadah itu dikerjakan kerana Allah semata-mata dengan mengharapkan rahmatnya dan keredaannya.
Adalah diharapkan sebelum daripada kita beramal ibadat di malam Lailatulqadar hendaklah kita bertaubat dengan sebenar-benarnya iaitu taubat nasuha dan terus beristiqamah tetap teguh mengerjakan suruhan Allah dan meninggalkan segala larangannya.
Tanda Malam Lailatulqadar
Para alim ulamak r.h. menyebutkan beberapa tanda atau alamat berhubung dengan malam Lailatulqadar:
- Ada yang berkata orang yang menemui malam Lailatulqadar ia melihat nur yang terang benderang di segenap tempat hingga di segala cerok yang gelap gelita.
- Ada pula yang berkata ia mendengar ucapan salam dan kata-kata yang lain dari Malaikat.
- Ada juga yang berkata ia melihat segala benda termasuk pohon-pohon kayu rebah sujud.
- Ada pula yang berkata doa permohonannya makbul.
Imam Tabari r.h. memilih kaul yang menegaskan bahawa semuanya itu tidak lazim dan tidak semestinya ia dapat melihatnya kerana tidak disyaratkan melihat sesuatu atau mendengarnya untuk menemui malam Lailatulqadar.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
You're always on my mind
All day just all the time
You're everything to me
Brightest star to let me see
You touch me in my dreams
We kiss in every scene
I pray to be with you through rain and shiny days
I'll love you till I die
Deep as sea
Wide as sky
The beauty of our love paints rainbows
Everywhere we go
Need you all my life
You're my hope
You're my pride
In your arms I find my heaven
In your eyes my sea and sky
May life be our love paradise
You're always on my mind
All day just all the time
You're everything to me
Brightest star to let me see
You touch me in my dreams
We kiss in every scene
I pray to be with you through rain and shiny days
I'll love you till I die
Deep as sea
Wide as sky
The beauty of our love paints rainbows
Everywhere we go
Need you all my life
You're my hope
You're my pride
In your arms I find my heaven
In your eyes my sea and sky
May life our love paradise
I'll love you till I die
Deep as sea
Wide as sky
The beauty of our love paints rainbows
Everywhere we go
Need you all my life
You're my hope
You're my pride
In your arms I find my heaven
In your eyes my sea and sky
May life be our love paradise
Friday, July 29, 2011

sprti yg diketahui, kita akn menyambut ramadhan lgi utk kali ini...
mengucapkan SELAMAT BERPUASA utk sesiapa yg mengenali diriku ini....
terutama utk geng2 FH2KS...( Nina, Fiqah, Lala, Nisa n' Mimi... )
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Did you know that in Japan there are 3 ways to say "I love you"?
You say "Daisuki" for friends and guys you like,
you say "Aishiteru" for a more serious relationship and
you say "Koishiteru" to the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.
And they follow this rule. That is one of the things I admire about them. They didn't make "I love you" lose its meaning like us.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Your all excited and cant wait for it to start
Then it starts getting intense and your like ZOMG!
Then your constantly thinking WTF WTF WTF…
Something really scary happens and you scream like a physco!
Now your going ape shit asking yourself why you even watched it
Then you go to sleep… LOL jks! your a paranoid motherfucker!
hahahah...juz joke....
Then it starts getting intense and your like ZOMG!
Then your constantly thinking WTF WTF WTF…
Something really scary happens and you scream like a physco!
Now your going ape shit asking yourself why you even watched it
Then you go to sleep… LOL jks! your a paranoid motherfucker!
hahahah...juz joke....
Boy: I broke up with her.
His Best Friend: What happened?
Boy: She’s just too much for me.
His Best Friend: What makes you say that? What did she do wrong?
Boy: Well, for one.. She only cared about her appearance. Always had to look good, always took forever to get dressed! So insecure..
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she wanted to keep your eyes locked on her? She wanted you to see that you have the prettiest girl under your sleeve and not think otherwise? I see..
Boy: Oh.. Well.. She’d often call me or text me asking where I am, who I’m with, telling me not to smoke, not to drink. She’s so clingy!
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she cares about your well being? Because she cares about you a lot? And her greatest fear is losing you. I see..
Boy: But.. Uhh.. Well, she’d always cry when I say something slightly mean. She can’t handle anything. She’s a crybaby!
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she has feelings? And because she just wanted to hear you say you love her? I see..
Boy: I.. Well! You know, she’d get jealous easily. I could barely talk to other girls! She’s so annoying! I had to hide it from her so she wouldn’t bitch about it.
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she just wanted you to commit to her? She thought you were faithful, but you lied so she could find out later and hurt even more? She just wanted the guy she loves the most to love only her. I see..
Boy: Well, she..
His Best Friend: You broke up with her because she’s good for you? She just wanted the best for you? She’s broken now because you were selfish. Are you proud?
Boy: I broke her heart.. Because I couldn’t see what was happening.. What happened to me?
His Best Friend: You lost the girl that loved you like no one else could. You see? You didn’t want her when all she ever wanted was you. THAT’S what happened.
His Best Friend: What happened?
Boy: She’s just too much for me.
His Best Friend: What makes you say that? What did she do wrong?
Boy: Well, for one.. She only cared about her appearance. Always had to look good, always took forever to get dressed! So insecure..
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she wanted to keep your eyes locked on her? She wanted you to see that you have the prettiest girl under your sleeve and not think otherwise? I see..
Boy: Oh.. Well.. She’d often call me or text me asking where I am, who I’m with, telling me not to smoke, not to drink. She’s so clingy!
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she cares about your well being? Because she cares about you a lot? And her greatest fear is losing you. I see..
Boy: But.. Uhh.. Well, she’d always cry when I say something slightly mean. She can’t handle anything. She’s a crybaby!
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she has feelings? And because she just wanted to hear you say you love her? I see..
Boy: I.. Well! You know, she’d get jealous easily. I could barely talk to other girls! She’s so annoying! I had to hide it from her so she wouldn’t bitch about it.
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she just wanted you to commit to her? She thought you were faithful, but you lied so she could find out later and hurt even more? She just wanted the guy she loves the most to love only her. I see..
Boy: Well, she..
His Best Friend: You broke up with her because she’s good for you? She just wanted the best for you? She’s broken now because you were selfish. Are you proud?
Boy: I broke her heart.. Because I couldn’t see what was happening.. What happened to me?
His Best Friend: You lost the girl that loved you like no one else could. You see? You didn’t want her when all she ever wanted was you. THAT’S what happened.
I Honestly Cried when Read This
I honestly cried when I read this.
Hi, Mommy. I’m your baby. You don’t know me yet, I’m only a few
weeks old. You’re going to find out about me soon, though, I promise.
Let me tell you some things about me. My name is John, and I’ve got
beautiful brown eyes and black hair. Well, I don’t have it yet, but I
will when I’m born. I’m going to be your only child, and you’ll call me
your one and only. I’m going to grow up without a daddy mostly, but we
have each other. We’ll help each other, and love each other. I want to
be a doctor when I grow up.
You found out about me today, Mommy! You were so excited, you couldn’t
wait to tell everyone. All you could do all day was smile, and life was
perfect. You have a beautiful smile, Mommy. It will be the first face I
will see in my life, and it will be the best thing I see in my life. I
know it already.
Today was the day you told Daddy. You were so excited to tell him about
me! …He wasn’t happy, Mommy. He kind of got angry. I don’t think that
you noticed, but he did. He started to talk about something called
wedlock, and money, and bills, and stuff I don’t think I understand
yet. You were still happy, though, so it was okay. Then he did
something scary, Mommy. He hit you. I could feel you fall backward, and
your hands flying up to protect me. I was okay… but I was very sad
for you. You were crying then, Mommy. That’s a sound I don’t like. It
doesn’t make me feel good. It made me cry, too. He said sorry after,
and he hugged you again. You forgave him, Mommy, but I’m not sure if I
do. It wasn’t right. You say he loves you… why would he hurt you? I
don’t like it, Mommy.
Finally, you can see me! Your stomach is a little bit bigger, and
you’re so proud of me! You went out with your mommy to buy new clothes,
and you were so so so happy. You sing to me, too. You have the most
beautiful voice in the whole wide world. When you sing is when I’m
happiest. And you talk to me, and I feel safe. So safe. You just wait
and see, Mommy. When I am born I will be perfect just for you. I will
make you proud, and I will love you with all of my heart.
I can move my hands and feet now, Mommy. I do it because you put your
hands on your belly to feel me, and I giggle. You giggle, too. I love
you, Mommy.
Daddy came to see you today, Mommy. I got really scared. He was acting
funny and he wasn’t talking right. He said he didn’t want you. I don’t
know why, but that’s what he said. And he hit you again. I got angry,
Mommy. When I grow up I promise I won’t let you get hurt! I promise to
protect you. Daddy is bad. I don’t care if you think that he is a good
person, I think he’s bad. But he hit you, and he said he didn’t want
us. He doesn’t like me. Why doesn’t he like me, Mommy?
You didn’t talk to me tonight, Mommy. Is everything okay?
It’s been three days since you saw Daddy. You haven’t talked to me or
touched me or anything since that. Don’t you still love me, Mommy? I
still love you. I think you feel sad. The only time I feel you is when
you sleep. You sleep funny, kind of curled up on your side. And you hug
me with your arms, and I feel safe and warm again. Why don’t you do
that when you’re awake, any more?
I’m 21 weeks old today, Mommy. Aren’t you proud of me? We’re going
somewhere today, and it’s somewhere new. I’m excited. It looks like a
hospital, too. I want to be a doctor when I grow up, Mommy. Did I tell
you that? I hope you’re as excited as I am. I can’t wait.
…Mommy, I’m getting scared. Your heart is still beating, but I don’t
know what you are thinking. The doctor is talking to you. I think
something’s going to happen soon. I’m really, really, really scared,
Mommy. Please tell me you love me. Then I will feel safe again. I love
Mommy, what are they doing to me!? It hurts! Please make them stop! It
feels bad! Please, Mommy, please please help me! Make them stop!
Don’t worry Mommy, I’m safe. I’m in heaven with the angels now. They
told me what you did, and they said it’s called an abortion.
Why, Mommy? Why did you do it? Don’t you love me any more? Why did you
get rid of me? I’m really, really, really sorry if I did something
wrong, Mommy. I love you, Mommy! I love you with all of my heart. Why
don’t you love me? What did I do to deserve what they did to me? I want
to live, Mommy! Please! It really, really hurts to see you not care
about me, and not talk to me. Didn’t I love you enough? Please say
you’ll keep me, Mommy! I want to live smile and watch the clouds and
see your face and grow up and be a doctor. I don’t want to be here, I
want you to love me again! I’m really really really sorry if I did
something wrong. I love you!
I love you, Mommy.
Every abortion is just…
One more heart that was stopped.
Two more eyes that will never see.
Two more hands that will never touch.
Two more legs that will never run.
One more mouth that will never speak.
If you’re against abortion, reblog.
I’m crying. I want that baby if they don want to take care of them. AGAINST ABORTION.
And people have the nerve to say that’s not a human.
This is the ONLY abortion post I will ever reblog. The words broke my heart.. a
Abortion is inhumane. I don’t understand how you can kill a life that never even had the chance to live yet.
Abortion disgusts me, under any circumstance.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
hah!!! exam dh bermula nie...nk tau cara2 aq study... aq...mlm aq study..
bgun pgi2 aq rest mind, aq buat smua nie xnk bgi stres klapa otak jeww....
lps balik dri tuition, slalunya aq akn rest about 1 hour, then aq study balik...
pelik ann...xde apw yg nk dipelikkan...mmg itu lumrah hidup...
lps habis exam pun aq akn buat tau lps nie akn ada paper len plk..
aq akn study la slama mungkin...lps habis paper tu, aq akn tido smentara wktu...
sbb kpala aq nie pening2, xtau r knapa...
tpi 4 mid year exam nie, I wish could get 7A's better 8A's la, but, I'm not sure lol...
good luck 4 me...n' good luck 2 my classmates...
xmo tiru2 noh, x baik..n' the most important, DOSA...
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Based on the popular manga, Oh Ha Ni is a clumsy student who falls the perfectionist, Baek Seung Jo. However Seung Jo is indifferent towards her and rejects her love. When Ha Ni's house collapses, she and her father move into his long-time friend's house. It turns out that Seung Jo is the friend's son and Ha Ni is given the opportunity to be near the guy she loves. Will she be able to move Seung Jo's heart?
Kim Hyun Joong as Baek Seung Jo
Jung So Min as Oh Ha Ni
Lee Tae Sung as Bong Joon Gu
Lee Si Young as Yoon Hae Ra
Jung Hye Young as Hwang Geum Hee ( Seung Jo & Eun Jo's mother )
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